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Fraunhofer IGB Jahresbericht 2012|13

151 Heinrich, M.; Schließmann, U.; Hirth, T. Investigation of the acido- genic bacteria population in bioreactors degrading synthetic waste water at temperatures between 10 °C and 37 °C, ESBES + ISPPP 2012, 23.–26. Septem- ber 2012, Istanbul, Türkei Herms, K.; Volkwein, W.; Thein, M.; Langbein, J.; Hein, C.; Lorenz, D.; Burger-Ken- tischer, A.; Spielvogel, A.; Oberschmidt, D.; Rupp, S. E. coli-Lysate für die zell- freie Proteinsynthese, Pro- cessNet-Jahrestagung 2012 und 30. DECHEMA-Jahres- tagung der Biotechnologen, 10.–13. September 2012, Karlsruhe Herz, M.; Hänel, C.; Detzel, M.; Schmucker, J.; Weber, A.; Schiestel, T. Coating of porous capil- lary membranes with MOF mixed-matrix membranes for gas separation applica- tions, Euromembrane 2012, 23.–27. September 2012, London, Großbritannien Heymer, A.; Schober, L.; Wal- ter, M.; Traube, A.; Brode, T.; Drescher, T.; Fischer, A.; Rei- singer, K.; Petersohn, D.; Me- wes, K. R. The open source concept – shaping the future of animal-free tests, 3D Cell Culture 2012, 14.–16. März 2012, Zürich, Schweiz Hiller, E.; Purschke, F. G.; Trick, I.; Rupp, S. Flexible survival strategies of Pseudomonas aerugino- sa in biofilms result in in- creased fitness compared to Candida albicans, 18th Congress of the International Society for Human and Ani- mal Mycology, 11.–15. Juni 2012, Berlin Hinderer, S.; Schesny, M.; Bayrak, A.; Ibold, B.; Ham- pel, M.; Walles, T.; Stock, U. A.; Seifert, M.; Schenke- Layland, K. Electrospun proteoglycan matrices for regenerative medicine applications, Experimental Biology (EB), 21.–26. April 2012, San Die- go, CA, USA Hoch, E.; Borchers, K.; Schuh, C.; Tovar, G. E. M. Gelatin-based hydrogels covering a wide range of viscoelastic properties as tissue engineering scaf- folds, Nanomaterials for Bio- medical Technologies (Na- noBiomed 2012), 6.–7. März 2012, Frankfurt am Main Hoch, E.; Tovar, G. E. M.; Borchers, K. Photopolymerizable non- gelling gelatin for the preparation of cell-laden hydrogels as cartilage sub- stitutes by biofabrication techniques, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien, 1.–3. No- vember 2012, Hamburg Hoch, E.; Tovar, G. E. M.; Schuh, C.; Borchers, K. Photopolymerizable bio- polymer-based hydrogels as artificial extracellular matrix of cartilage, Heraeus summer school, 17.–20. Juni 2012, Siegburg Hogk, I.; Kaufmann, M.; Fin- kelmeier, D.; Rupp, S.; Walles, H.; Burger-Kentischer, A. Novel in vitro 3D skin model to simulate a her- pes simplex infection, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Socie- ty for Virology, 14.–17. März 2012, Essen Hogk, I.; Kaufmann, M.; Finkelmeier, D.; Walles, H.; Rupp, S.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Hirth, T. Novel in vitro 3D herpes simplex virus type 1 infec- tion model, 37th Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop, 4.–9. August 2012, Calgary, Kanada Holeiter, M.; Bluguermann, C.; Evseenko, D.; Crooks, G.; Schenke-Layland, K. Impact of human pluri- potent stem cell-derived extracellular matrix pro- teins on cardiac cell fate decision, 16th Annual Hilton Head Workshop on Regener- ative Medicine, 14.–18. März 2012, Hilton Head, SC, USA Hoppensack, A.; Schanz, J.; Kazanecki, C.; Colter, D.; Walles, H. An in vitro model of the renal proximal tubule com- posed of human kidney- derived cells and small in- testinal submucosa, 3rd International Conference »Strategies in Tissue Engi- neering«, 23.–25. Mai 2012, Würzburg Huber, B.; Klechowitz, N.; Hoppensack, A.; Borchers, K.; Walles, H.; Hirth, T.; Klu- ger, P. J. Isolation and culture of primary human subcutane- ous adipocytes and con- struction of a fatty tissue equivalent, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien, 1.–3. No- vember 2012, Hamburg Kahlig, A. Technical design of a mod- ule for the continuous production of biochemical energy for cell-free pro- tein synthesis, 17th Europe- an Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC), 15.–20. September 2012, Freiburg Keller, P.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Wiesmül- ler, K.-H.; Lemuth, K.; Hiller, E.; Engelhardt, I.; Müller, C.; Schröppel, K.; Bracher, F.; Rupp, S. Identification and charac- terisation of novel anti- fungal compounds against fungal human pathogens, 18th Congress of the Inter- national Society for Hu- man and Animal Mycology, 11.–15. Juni 2012, Berlin
