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2013|14 Annual Report Fraunhofer IGB

151 Moll, C.; Wollborn, J.; Schick, M.; Walles, H.; Metzger, M. Analysis of enteric glial cells in an LPS-induced in vivo sepsis model of the rat, 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurogastroenterolo- gie und Motilität (DGNM), March 22 – ​24, 2013, Freising, Germany Münkel, R. Energetische Nutzung von Mikroalgen, VDI- Arbeitskreis Frauen im Inge- nieurberuf, February 5, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany Münkel, R. New automation strategy for a two-stage lipid pro- duction from microalgae tested in an outdoor pilot plant, Working Group 1 Meeting von aireg (Avia- tion Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e. V.), October 31, 2013, Bremen, Germany Münkel, R.; Schmid-Staiger, U.; Hirth, T. New automation strategy for two-stage lipid pro- duction tested in an out- door pilot plant, World Bio- technology Congress 2013, June 3 – ​6, 2013, Boston, MA, USA Niedergall, K.; Kopp, D.; Bach, M.; Schiestel, T. Nanoparticle-loaded membranes for membrane adsorber applications, 8th International Membrane Science & Technology Con- ference (IMSTEC2013), November 25 – ​29, 2013, Melbourne, Australia Oehr, C. Oberflächenmodifizie- rung und Sterilisation polymerbasierter Medi- zinprodukte, Fraunhofer- Kooperationstag mit Meck- lenburg-Vorpommern, March 21, 2013, Rostock, Germany Oehr, C. Funktionalisierte Kunst- stoffe in der Medizin- technik, Mitteldeutscher Kunststofftag, June 27, 2013, Erfurt, Germany Oehr, C. Aspekte der Bewertung von Thermoreflex-Anstri- chen, Foundation of the Association “Thermoreflexive Schichten“, September 5, 2013, Düsseldorf, Germany Purschke, F. G.; Hiller, E.; Trick, I.; Rupp, S. Flexible survival strategies of Pseudomonas aerugino- sa in biofilms result in in- creased fitness compared to Candida albicans, DGHM Fachgruppenworkshop Euka- ryontische Kankheitserreger, February 1 – ​2, 2013, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany Reboredo, J.; Murawicki, S.; Steinert, A.; Rackwitz, L.; Nöth, U.; Rudert, M.; Walles, H. Neues Biomaterial für die Geweberegeneration: Trä- gerstruktur aus Kollagen I / ​II regt Stammzellen zur chondrogenen Differen- zierung an, Thementage Grenz- und Oberflächen- technik (ThGOT) / ​Thüringer Biomaterialkolloquium 2013, September 3 – ​5, 2013, Zeu- lenroda, Thüringen, Germany Rossi, A.; Heffels, K.-H., Groll, J.; Walles, H. Functionalized electro- spun nanofibers for the development of basement membranes, World Confer- ence on Regenerative Medi- cine, October 21 – ​23, 2013, Leipzig, Germany Rupp, S. Enzymatisch-chemokataly- tische Oxidationskaskaden in der Gasphase, Frühjahrs- tagung der Biotechnologen 2013, March 4 – ​5, 2013, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Rupp, S. Enzymherstellung im Pilot- maßstab, 709. DECHEMA- Kolloquium: Effiziente Her- stellung industrieller Enzyme, March 21, 2013, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Rupp, S. New ways, new com- pounds – how biotechnol- ogy shapes future process and product character- istics, Marktplatz-Forum Industrielle Biotechnologie, Biotechnica, October 8, 2013, Hanover, Germany Rupp, S. A screening assay based on host-pathogen interaction models identifies a set of novel antifungal benzimid- azole derivatis and their target, 3rd International Sym- posium of the Collaborative Research Center 630: Novel Agents against Infectious Dis- eases – An interdisciplinary approach, November 20 – ​22, 2013, Würzburg, Germany Rupp, S. Neue Produktionssysteme: Zellfreie Biosynthese und Enzymkaskaden, Tag der Industriellen Biotechnologie, November 22, 2013, Stutt- gart, Germany Schenke-Layland, K. Enabling technologies in tissue engineering, Talk at the Centre Ingénierie et Santé, March 18, 2013, Saint- Étienne, France Schenke-Layland, K. Strategies in tissue engi- neering and regenerative medicine, Talk at the Nano Institute of Utah, April 12, 2013, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Schenke-Layland, K. Impact of extracellular matrix in cardiovascular development and disease, Regenerative Medicine Sym- posium – Dutch Heart Foun- dation Lecture, May 7, 2013, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
