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2013|14 Annual Report Fraunhofer IGB

14 6 Leistner, M.; Steinke, M.; Walles, T. (2013) Biomedizin in der Thorax- chirurgie: Eine Standort- bestimmung, Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 138 (3): 342 – ​ 347 Lemnitzer, F.; Raschbichler, V.; Kolodziejczak, D.; Israel, L.; Imhof, A.; Bailer, S. M.; Koszi-­ nowski, U.; Ruzsics, Z. (2013) Mouse cytomegalovirus egress protein pM50 interacts with cellular endophilin-A2, Cellular Mi- crobiology 15 (2): 335 – ​351 Ludwig, D.; Amann, M.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S. (2013) Development and opti- mization of single and combined detoxification processes to improve the fermentability of ligno- cellulose hydrolyzates, Bioresource Technology 133: 455 – ​461 Mailander-Sanchez, D.; Wagener, J.; Braunsdorf, C.; Grumaz, C.; Lorenz, S.; Sohn, K.; Schaller, M. (2013) Metatranscriptome analy- sis reveals new insights in probiotic / ​host / ​Candida interaction in oral Candi- diasis, Mycoses 56 (Supple- ment 2): 26 Mailander-Sanchez, D.; Wagener, J.; Braunsdorf, C.; Grumaz, C.; Lorenz, S.; Sohn, K.; Wehkamp, J.; Schaller, M. (2013) Characterization of the protective and immunreg- ulatory activity of probi- otic lactobacilli in mucosal Candidiasis, Mycoses 56 (Supplement 2): 9 Mayer, L. S. L.; Hartmann, S. C.; Cavalar, M.; Weile, J.; Ro- thacher, P.; Boven, K.-H.; Le- muth, K.; Bailer, S. M.; Rupp, S. (2013) Identification of human pathogenic fungi via DNA- microarray analysis for clinical applications, Myco- ses 56 (Supplement 2): 10 Moll, C.; Reboredo, J.; Schwarz, T.; Appelt, A.; Schürlein, S.; Walles, H.; Nietzer, S. (2013) Tissue engineering of a human 3D in vitro tumor test system, Journal of Vi- sualized Experiments (JoVE) (78): 50460 Moß, K. S.; Hartmann, S. C.; Müller, I.; Fritz, C.; Krue- gener, S.; Zibek, S.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S. (2013) Amantichitinum ursilacus gen. nov., sp. nov., a chi- tin-degrading bacterium isolated from soil, Interna- tional Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiol- ogy 63 (Pt.1): 98 – ​103 Münkel, R.; Schmid-Staiger, U.; Werner, A.; Hirth, T. (2013) Optimization of outdoor cultivation in flat panel airlift reactors for lipid production by Chlorella vulgaris, Biotechnology & Bioengineering 110 (11): 2882 – ​2893 Niedergall, K.; Bach, M.; Schiestel, T.; Tovar, G. E. M. (2013) Nanostructured compos- ite adsorber membranes for the reduction of trace substances in water: The example of bisphenol A, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (39): 14 011 – ​14 018 Palige, K.; Linde, J.; Martin, R.; Böttcher, B.; Citiulo, F.; Sullivan, D. J.; Weber, J.; Staib, C.; Rupp, S.; Hube, B.; Morschhäuser, J.; Staib, P. (2013) Global transcriptome se- quencing identifies chla- mydospore specific mark- ers in Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis, PLoS one 8 (4): e61940 Palzer, S.; Bantel, Y.; Kazen- wadel, F.; Berg, M.; Rupp, S.; Sohn, K. (2013) An expanded genetic code in Candida albicans to study protein-protein interactions in vivo, Eukary- otic Cell 12 (6): 816 – ​827 Panlawan, P.; Luangthong- kam, P.; Wiemann, L. O.; Sieber, V.; Marie, E.; Durand, A.; Inprakhon, P. (2013) Lipase-catalyzed inter- facial polymerization of ω-pentadecalactone in aqueous biphasic medium: A mechanistic study, Jour- nal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 88: 69 – ​76 Pudlas, M.; Brauchle, E.; Klein, T. J.; Hutmacher, D. W.; Schenke-Layland, K. (2013) Non-invasive identifica- tion of proteoglycans and chondrocyte differentia- tion state by Raman mi- crospectroscopy, Journal of Biophotonics 6 (2): 205 – ​211 Reiter, J.; Strittmatter, H.; Wiemann, L. O.; Schieder, D.; Sieber, V. (2013) Enzymatic cleavage of lignin beta-O-4 aryl ether bonds via net internal hydrogen transfer, Green Chemistry 15 (5): 1373 – ​1381 Riepe, B.; Günther, M.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S. (2013) Enhanced downstream processing of the biosur- factants mannosyleryth- ritol lipid and cellobiose lipid, Book of Abstracts: 1st International Workshop: Bio- surfactants – Challenges and Perspectives: 25 APPENDIX  |  Publications 2013 – In journals
