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2013|14 Annual Report Fraunhofer IGB

123 Barbara E. Waelkens M.Sc. Phone +49 711 970-4124 Dr.-Ing. Ursula Schließmann Phone +49 711 970-4222 References [1] Boßelmann, F.; Romano, P.; Fabritius, H.; Raabe, D.; Epple, M. (2007) The composition of the exoskeleton of two crustacea: The American lobster Homarus americanus and the edible crab Can- cer pagurus, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 463: 65 – ​68 [2] McCarty, P. L. (1964) Anaerobic waste treatment fundamen- tals, Public Works for September-December, Princeton University [3] Show, K. Y.; Tay, J. H.; Hung, Y. T. (2010) Global perspective of anaerobic treatment of industrial wastewater, Handbook of Environmental Engineering 11: Environmental Bioengineering Funding We would like to thank the European Union for funding the ChiBio research project within the scope of the Seventh Frame- work Programme (FP7 / 2007 – 2013), grant agreement no. 289284. Project partners and further information The specific biogas yield of the processed shrimp shell side- stream was higher than the typical biogas yield for energy crops (approx. 500 – ​700 mlN / ​gTVS). This can be explained by the fact that the main component of the latter are car- bohydrates, whereas the main components of the shrimp shell sidestream are proteins, which provide a higher specific biogas yield. The specific biogas yield of the processed crab shell sidestreams can be compared with the biogas yield from organic municipal waste (approx. 350 mlN / ​gTVS). The biogas production rates were linear (Figs. 3 and 4), which could indicate a growth limitation of the anaerobic microor- ganisms. Further investigations into the cause of this growth limitation offer possibilities for improving the anaerobic diges- tion and thus the specific biogas yield. Outlook Further process steps in chitin processing are the biocatalytic splitting of chitin and the purification of the resulting prod- ucts. Additionally, these processes result in corresponding organic sidestreams, for which the biogas potential will also be determined. At the end of the project it will be possible to make reliable statements about the overall energetic potential that can be drawn from the utilization of these sidestreams. 1 Substrates: by products resulting from the extraction of chitin from shrimp and crab shells. 2 Double-walled 1-liter laboratory biogas reactors. 3 Specific biogas production from the sidestream of chitin extraction from shrimp shells. 4 Specific biogas production from the sidestream of chitin extraction from crab shells. 43 Contacts specificbiogasproduction[mlN / ​TVSadded] time [d] 200 150 100 50 0 105 15 20 30250 35 400 350 250 300 450 spec. biogas prod. july batch 2 spec. biogas prod. july batch 1 specificbiogasproduction[mlN / ​TVSadded] time [d] 200 0 105 15 20 30250 35 1000 800 400 600 1200 spec. biogas prod. batch 2 spec. biogas prod. batch 1
