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2012|13 Annual Report Fraunhofer IGB

75 10 μm Dr. Carmen Gruber-Traub Phone +49 711 970-4034 carmen.gruber-traub@ Dr. Achim Weber Phone +49 711 970-4022 References [1] Gruber-Traub, C.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Gretzinger, S.; Hirth, T.; Weber, A. (2012) Spray drying of BSA- and interferon-β load- ed chitosan particles. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 84(3): 343–348 Funding We would like to thank the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for funding the project “SKIN HEAL”, within the ”Markets Beyond Tomor- row” program. Project partner Fraunhofer ISC, Würzburg were employed. The release rate of the active agent can effec- tively be controlled by the additional crosslinking of the matrix and the chosen level of crosslinking. Conclusions and outlook Spray drying is suitable as a process for the production of particle-based formulations for improved wound healing. The particles were successfully integrated into the wound dressing. The release properties of the active agents and particles can further be optimized by the variation of the capsule material or the additional coating of the particles. Various crosslinkers (covalent and non-covalent) in the production of the chitosan particles are currently being tested for this. The particle systems developed here could be transferred to the most varying problems in the area of formulation, as well as small molecule agents and biopharmaceuticals. This has al- ready enabled interferon to be encapsulated while retaining full bioactivity [1]. 1 Scanning electron microscope image of the particles loaded with dexpanthenol. 2 Scanning electron microscope image of the particles loaded with TGF-β. 3 3D representation of the interaction of the significant parameters during statistical study planning. 4 Scanning electron microscope image of chitosan par- ticles that were introduced into the fibers of the silica fiber wound dressing (source: Fraunhofer ISC). 3 4 Contacts D: concentration B: dispersion gas
