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2012|13 Annual Report Fraunhofer IGB

19 Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance The Building Innovation Alliance offers single-source construc- tion expertise in the form of integrated systems solutions. It has particular know-how in the systematic assessment of buildings – from construction materials to structural elements, from rooms and buildings to complete residential estates. The alliance’s portfolio also includes the chronological assess- ment of a building in terms of its entire life cycle from drawing board to recycling. The Fraunhofer IGB participates here with its innovative infrastructure concepts for semi-decentralized energy and water management as well as with its competence in the microbiological aspects of construction. Fraunhofer Energy Alliance The Fraunhofer Energy Alliance is a gateway to R&D services in energy technology and economics. Above all small and me- dium-sized companies, but policy makers, too, benefit from Germany’s technology leadership in energy efficiency and the development of renewables. The Fraunhofer IGB contributes its knowledge in the exploitation of energy resources con- tained in raw, residual and waste organic materials (e.g. for bi- ogas production) as well as in membrane technology, particu- larly for gas purification/reforming and fuel-cell applications. Additionally, the Fraunhofer IGB carries out research into con- cepts and technologies for the storage and use of energy in the form of heat. Fraunhofer Food Chain Management Alliance The Fraunhofer Food Chain Management Alliance is focused on new approaches in food safety, microelectronics and logis- tics that can be easily integrated in the entire food chain and are characterized by highest possible added value at low cost. The Fraunhofer IGB’s specialization here is superheated steam for drying processes and the development of new physical methods for the hygienization and stabilization of food. Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Alliance The Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Alliance bundles the nano- technological expertise that is spread across nearly a third of the Fraunhofer Institutes. The alliance’s activities cover all as- pects of nanotechnology, such as multifunctional layers for automotive applications, the design of special nanoparticles as carrier substances for biotechnology and medical applica- tions, and the use of carbon nanotubes in actuators. Professor Günter Tovar is the Alliance’s spokesperson.
