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2012|13 Annual Report Fraunhofer IGB

150 Bieligmeyer, M.; Müller, M.; Hirth, T.; Schiestel, T. Supported biomimetic na- noporous blockcopolymer membranes for the inte- gration of transmembrane proteins, Euromembrane 2012, September 23–27, 2012, London, UK Bieligmeyer, M.; Müller, M.; Schiestel, T.; Hirth, T. Biomimetic membranes for transmembrane proteins, 2. Statusseminar Zellfreie Bio- produktion, March 15–16, 2012, Berlin Blath, J.; Hirth, T.; Schiestel, T. CO2 separation using SILM (supported ionic liquid membranes) – tempera- ture influence of ionic liq- uids containing carboxylic anions in comparison to NTf2, Euromembrane 2012, September 23–27, 2012, London, UK Bluguermann, C.; Holeiter, M.; Romorini, L.; Videla, R. G.; Questa, M.; Fernandez Espinoza, D.; Scassa, E.; Evs- eenko, D.; Miriuka, S. Differenciacion cardiaca a partir de celulas madre embionarias humanas: op- timizacion del protocolo clasico, Reunión anual de la sociedad argentina de inves- tigacion clinica, November 14–17, 2012, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Brauchle, E.; Knopf, A.; Schenke-Layland, K. Raman spectroscopic sig- nature of lineage specific commitment in mouse em- bryonic stem cells, 16th An- nual Hilton Head Workshop on Regenerative Medicine, March 14–18, 2012, Hilton Head, SC, USA Brauchle, E.; Schenke-Lay- land, K. Raman Spektroskopie für das nicht-invasive Monito- ring von Zell- und Gewe- bestrukturen, 4. Innovati- onsforum für Medizintechnik, October 25, 2012, Tuttlingen Dally, S.; Lemuth, K.; Rupp, S.; Bailer, S. M.; Knabbe, C.; Weile, J. Resistance analysis of Acinetobacter spp. by DNA-microarrays, 64. Jah- restagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM) e. V., September 30 to October 3, 2012, Hamburg Dally, S.; Lemuth, K.; Rupp, S.; Knabbe, C.; Weile, J. Development of a DNA- microarray for the detec- tion of resistance deter- minants in Acinetobacter spp., DECHEMA-Tagung “Functional Genomics and Proteomics”, February 2–3, 2012, Frankfurt am Main Groeber, F.; Hansmann, J.; Walles, H. Development of a vascu- larized skin equivalent with a physiological per- fused vascular network, Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID Annual Meeting), May 9–12, 2012, Raleigh, NC, USA Gronen, A.; Ludwig, D.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S. From lignocellulose to lactic acid, 3rd Internation- al Workshop of COST Ac- tion CM0903 (UBIOCHEM): “Sustainable production of fuels/energy, materials & chemicals from biomass”, November 1–3, 2012, Thes- saloniki, Greece Gruber-Traub, C.; Burger- Kentischer, A.; Hauser, A.; Dettling, M.; Weber, A.; Hirth, T. Protein-loaded chitosan- based particles via spray drying for oral delivery, PBP World Meeting 2012, March 19–22, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey Gruber-Traub, C.; Weber, A.; Müller, M.; Burger-Kentisch- er, A.; Hirth, T. Enhanced wound heal- ing using drug loaded particles, ProcessNet- Jahrestagung 2012 und 30. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Septem- ber 10–13, 2012, Karlsruhe Grumaz, C.; Hoffmann, H.; Lorenz, S.; Stevens, P.; Linde- mann, E.; Rupp, S.; Sohn, K. Differential metatran- scriptomic profiling during Candida infections, 18th Congress of the International Society for Human and Ani- mal Mycology, June 11–15, 2012, Berlin Haitz, F.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S. Comparison of the chemo- enzymatic epoxidation of oleic acid with differ- ent immobilized lipases, In: Book of Abstract: 92, 5th Workshop on Fats and Oils as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry, March 18–20, 2012, Karlsruhe Haitz, F.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S. Optimization of the chemo-enzymatic epoxida- tion of non-conventional plant oils by response sur- face methodology, 3. Koo- perationsforum “Biopoly- mere”, November 20, 2012, Straubing Haitz, F.; Hirth, T.; Rupp, S.; Zibek, S. Optimization of the chemo-enzymatic epoxi- dation of non-convention- al plant oils by response surface methodology, 7th CeBiTec Symposium “Bio-in- tegrated Organic Synthesis in Industry: Biocatalytic Break- throughs, Industrial Process- es, Emerging Fields”, Decem- ber 17–19, 2012, Bielefeld APPENDIX | Publications 2012 – Posters
