105 Ali Imran Javaid M.Sc. Phone +49 711 970-3628 ali.imran.javaid@igb.fraunhofer.de Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Egner Phone +49 711 970-3643 siegfried.egner@igb.fraunhofer.de References [1] Molokov, S.; Reilly, C.; Lion, Y.; Caciuffo, R. (2005) Electro- magnetic Processing of Materials, 161st CSO Meeting, 15–16 March 2005 http://www.robertus.staff.shef.ac.uk/cost-p17-epm/ P17-e.pdf [2] Baake, E. (2012) Technologies for the Electromagnetic Pro- cessing of Materials, Energy and Carbon savings Funding We would like to thank the European Union for funding the re- search project “FurnitReUse” in the Seventh Framework Pro- gramme (FP7/2007-2013), grant agreement no. 262337. Project partners and further information http://furnitreuse.polsl.pl The measurements of the dielectric properties, the design of the reactor and the antenna, as well as the modeling and nu- merical simulation were carried out at the Fraunhofer IGB. Various options were investigated for controlling the radia- tion of the microwaves. Depending on the size of the system within a subsequent large-scale plant construction, the micro- wave energy can be radiated directly by means of waveguides, wherein the magnetron radiates directly into the reactor with- out an antenna. Alternatively, the microwaves can be fed via an antenna, wherein the magnetron feeds energy to an an- tenna, which then distributes it to the reactor. It was decided to use a slotted waveguide antenna for the industrial proto- type of the FurnitReUse reactor. Initial experiments with this novel composite material con- firmed its expected physical and mechanical characteristics in terms of stability and further use as sound insulation. Even at the end of its lifetime this new composite material can be re- cycled again without compromising its characteristics. Outlook There are various potential applications for the novel mate- rial that is prepared by electromagnetic processing and for which all recyclable plastics can be utilized. Due to its sound insulating effect, an exemplary application would be the pro- duction of noise barriers. Another possible application is in the transportation sector to replace the standard wooden pal- lets. The technology presented here has the potential to of- fer a novel method of waste management, leading to a green and sustainable recycling economy and a business opportunity for small and medium enterprises engaged in the recycling sector. 1 Automated electromagnetic processing reactor to produce a novel composite material from wooden and plastic waste. 2 Slotted waveguide antenna simulated and developed at Fraunhofer IGB. 3 Shredded wooden and plastic waste. 3 Contacts