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2012|13 Annual Report Fraunhofer IGB

147 Schenke-Layland, K. VEGF receptors identify a multipotent cardiovascular progenitor cell in develop- ing hearts and induced- pluripotent stem cells, 16th Annual Hilton Head Work- shop on Regenerative Medi- cine, March 16, 2012, Hilton Head, SC, USA Schenke-Layland, K. Testimonial – scientific ca- reer development in the USA and Germany, Experi- mental Biology (EB), April 23, 2012, San Diego, CA, USA Schenke-Layland, K. VEGF receptors identify a multipotent cardiovascular progenitor cell in develop- ing hearts and induced- pluripotent stem cells, Ex- perimental Biology (EB), April 23, 2012, San Diego, CA, USA Schenke-Layland, K. Scientific career path at a glance, DFG Scientific Break- fast im Rahmen der Experi- mental Biology (EB), April 25, 2012, San Diego, USA, Schenke-Layland, K. In vitro models – tools to understand human devel- opment, Georgia Tech Stem Cell Engineering Seminar Se- ries, May 13, 2012, Atlanta, GA, USA Schenke-Layland, K. Three-dimensional model of the small intestine, 10th International Conference on Early Toxicity Screening, June 14–15, 2012, Seattle, WA, USA Schenke-Layland, K. Therapiestrategien in der kardiovaskulären regene- rativen Medizin, IZKF Gra- duate School, July 25, 2012, Tübingen Schenke-Layland, K. Forschungsstrategien in der regenerativen Medi- zin, Monday Seminar Series, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Au- gust 27, 2012, Tübingen Schenke-Layland, K. Applying technology for tissue engineering, XXXIX. ESAO Congress, Sep- tember 28, 2012, Rostock Schenke-Layland, K. Non-invasive identifica- tion of proteoglycans and chondrocyte differentia- tion state by Raman mi- crospectroscopy, FACSS 2012/SciX 2012, October 4, 2012, Kansas City, MO, USA Schenke-Layland, K. Cartilage screening using Raman spectroscopy, Bone- tec Symposium “Paradigmen- wechsel in der Knochenchi- rurgie – Regeneration statt Transplantation”, October 27, 2012, Hanover Schenke-Layland, K. Modern non-invasive diag- nostics, Symposium Urolo- gische Forschung der DGU, November 8–10, 2012, Berlin Schenke-Layland, K. Entwicklung einer bioin- spirierten kardiovaskulä- ren Regenerationstechno- logie, Fraunhofer Symposium “Netzwert”, December 4, 2012, Munich Schesny, M.; Schenke-Lay- land, K. Design of a 3D drug re- leasing scaffold for the ap- plication in cardiovascular tissue engineering, IZKF Promotionskolleg 2012, April 18, 2012, Tübingen Schiestel, T. Cellulose acetate mem- branes with an optimized internal structure for pres- sure retarded osmosis, 3rd Osmosis Membrane Summit, April 26–27, 2012, Barcelo- na, Spain Schiestel, T. Introduction to mem- brane based gas separa- tions, New Porous Materi- als for Separation Processes (DECHEMA – Informationstag “Neue Poröse Materialien für Trennprozesse”), October 8, 2012, Frankfurt am Main Schiestel, T.; Blath, J.; Bal- tes, N. Gas solubilities in ionic liq- uids: application for sepa- ration and sensors, ACHE- MA 2012 – 30th International Exhibition-Congress, June 18–22, 2012, Frankfurt am Main Schiestel, T.; Zipperle, M.; Caro, J.; Schirrmeister, S. Manufacturing, characteri- zation and modification of BCFZ capillary membranes for oxygen separation, Si- no-German Symposium II In- organic Membranes for Clean Energy and Clear Environ- ment, March 18–21, 2012, Hanover Schließmann, U. Vollverwertung von Bio- massen: Wertstoffe und Energie aus ligninreichen Kulturpflanzen und lig- ninfreien Mikroalgen, Kol- loquium der Universität Jena gemeinsam mit dem VDI-Ar- beitskreis Verfahrenstechnik Mitteldeutschland, June 7, 2012, Jena Schließmann, U. Wirtschaftsfaktor Wasser – Trends und Erwartungen aus Sicht der Forschung und Entwicklung, Festver- anstaltung der Firma Simex, October 18, 2012, Calw Schließmann, U. Vorstellung des Projekts und der Demonstrations- anlage EtaMax, Einweih- nung der EtaMax-Demon- strationsanlage, October 25, 2012, Stuttgart Schließmann, U. Paradigmenwechsel – Sys- temansätze für nachhal- tige Energiekonzepte am Beispiel dezentraler Ener- gieerzeugung, Branchentag Energiewirtschaft der Region SaarLorLux, November 15, 2012, Saarbrücken

