14 0 Keller, P. D.; Burger-Kentisch- er, A.; D., F.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Lemuth, K.; Hiller, E.; Engelhardt, I.; Müller, C.; Schröppel, K.; Bracher, F.; Rupp, S. (2012) Identification and charac- terisation of novel anti- fungal compounds against fungal human pathogens, International Journal of Medi- cal Microbiology 302 (Sup- plement 1): 18–19 Keller, P.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Wiesmül- ler, K.-H.; Lemuth, K.; Hiller, E.; Engelhardt, I.; Müller, C.; Schröppel, K.; Bracher, F.; Rupp, S. (2012) Identification and charac- terisation of novel anti- fungal compounds against fungal human pathogens, Mycoses 55 (Supplement s4): 338 Kleinhans, C.; Haller, B.; Kahlig, A.; Hansmann, J.; Walles, H.; Kluger, P. J. (2012) Dynamic culture of human mesenchymal stem cells in a perfusion bioreactor on β-TCP cylinder, BioNano Materials 13 (1–4): 33 Kluger, P. J.; Novosel, E. C.; Borchers, K. A.; Hirth, T.; To- var, G. E. M. (2012) Künstliche Blutgefäße – Erfolgreiche Versorgung von in vitro-Geweben, GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 56 (2): 113–115 Labouta, H. I.; Hampel, M.; Thude, S.; Reutlinger, K.; Ko- stka, K.-H.; Schneider, M. (2012) Depth profiling of gold nanoparticles and charac- terization of point spread functions in reconstruct- ed and human skin using multiphoton microscopy, Journal of Biophotonics 5 (1): 85–69 Lass-Seyouma, A.; Blicker, M.; Borozdenko, D.; Friedrich, T.; Langhof, T. (2012) Transfer of laboratory re- sults on closed sorption thermo-chemical energy storage to a large-scale technical system, Energy Procedia 30: 310–320 Loibl, F.; Schmidt, M.; Auer- Seidl, A.; Kirchner, C.; Holtz, C.; Mueller, K.; Stramm, C.; Langowski, H.-C. (2012) The emptying behaviour of highly viscous liquids. Part II: Development of test methods and evalu- ation of untreated and coated films, Journal of Ad- hesion Science and Technol- ogy 26 (20–21): 2469–2503 Maestre-Reyna, M.; Dider- rich, R.; Veelders, M. S.; Eu- lenburg, G.; Kalugin, V.; Bruckner, S.; Keller, P.; Rupp, S.; Mosch, H. U.; Essen, L. O. (2012) Structural basis for promis- cuity and specificity during Candida glabrata invasion of host epithelia, Proceed- ings of the National Acad- emy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (42): 16 864–16 869 Mayer, L. S. L.; Hartmann, S. C.; Boven, K.-H.; Cavalar, M.; Rothacher, P.; Weile, J.; Bailer, S. M.; Rupp, S. (2012) Identification of human pathogenic moulds and yeasts via lab-on-a-chip system, International Journal of Medical Microbiology 302 (Supplement 1): 110–111 Mohr, M. (2012) Urbane Wasserinfrastruk- tursysteme, wwt Wasser- wirtschaft Wassertechnik 7–8/2012: 37–38 Mueller, T. D.; Nickel, J. (2012) Promiscuity and specific- ity in BMP receptor acti- vation, FEBS Lett 586 (14): 1846–1859 Müller, M.; Weber, C. G.; Ker- ger, C.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Trick, I.; Hirth, T. (2012) Vermeidung von Biofilm und Unterdrückung von Virulenzfaktoren pathoge- ner Mikroorganismen an Grenzflächen, BioNanoMa- terials 13 (1–4): 18 Münkel, R. (2012) Optimierung des Lipid- produktionsprozesses mit Chlorella vulgaris im Frei- land hinsichtlich Lichtaus- beute und Lipidgehalt, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 84 (8): 1181–1182 Nsair, A.; Schenke-Layland, K.; Van Handel, B.; Evseen- ko, D.; Kahn, M.; Zhao, P.; Mendelis, J.; Heydarkhan, S.; Awaji, O.; Vottler, M.; Geist, S.; Chyu, J.; Gago-Lopez, N.; Crooks, G.; Plath, K.; Goldhaber, J.; Mikkola, H.; Maclellan, W. (2012) Characterization and ther- apeutic potential of in- duced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiovascular progenitor cells, PloS One 7 (10): e45603 Oehr, C. (2012) Kunststoffe für die Medizintechnik, KC-aktuell 3/2012: 2–4 Palzer, S.; Bantel, Y.; Kazen- wadel, F.; Berg, M.; Rupp, S.; Sohn, K. (2012) An expanded genetic code in Candida albicans to study molecular interac- tions in vivo, Mycoses 55 (Supplement s4): 337 Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Leschins- ky, M.; Unkelbach, G. (2012) Neue Strategien – Holz als Rohstoff für die Chemische Industrie, chemie&more 6/2012: 10–13 Purschke, F. G.; Hiller, E.; Trick, I.; Rupp, S. (2012) Flexible survival strategies of Pseudomonas aerugino- sa in biofilms result in in- creased fitness compared with Candida albicans, Mo- lecular & Cellular Proteomics 11 (12): 1652–1669 APPENDIX | Publications 2012 – In journals