95 Dr. rer. nat. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich Phone +49 711 970-9103 daniela.pufky-heinrich@ cbp.fraunhofer.de Dipl.-Chem. (FH) Gerd Unkelbach Phone +49 711 970-9101 gerd.unkelbach@cbp.fraunhofer.de Contact Literature Raschka, arus, M toffliche ut ung von Bio- masse. Basisdaten für Deutschland, Europa und die Welt, Nova- Institut für Ökologie und Innovation GmbH, Hürth [2] Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (2009), FCI –Fonds der Chemisch- en Industrie im Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. [3] Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Unkelbach, G. (2014) Herstellung biobasi- erter umweltfreundlicher Klebstoffe. Aromatische Molekülbaus- teine aus Lignin; adhäsion, Seite 16–19 [4] Schmiedl, D.; Endisch, S.; Pindel, E.; Rückert, D.; Reinhardt, S.; Unkelbach, G.; Schweppe, R. (2012) Base catalyzed degradation of lignin for the generation of oxy-aromatic compounds – pos- sibilities and challenges, Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 128 (10): 357–363 Funding We would like to thank the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) for funding the project “Lignoplast”, promotional refer- ence 22014212. Project partner raunhofer I T, Pfin tal, ermany is carried out in a continuous counterflow e traction plant with a maximum throughput of 85 kg/h. Distillation units with a capacity of up to 60 L/h are used to recover the sol- vent from the extract. The BCD oil yield rises with increasing process intensity (tem- perature, pressure and standing time), with a concomitant increase in monomer content. The degree of depolymerization increases, simultaneously resulting in a decrease in the molar mass of BCD oligomers. Oligomers with a mean molar mass of 609 g/mol and a yield of 58.8 mass percent were obtained from the conversion of kraft lignin (Mnlignin = 1488 g/mol). Perspectives Optimization of the process with reference to a process design that is material- and energy-efficient and product optimi a- tion will follow on from the demonstration of the principal feasibility of upscaling the BCD process. In addition to the preparation of sample quantities for following processes, this will mainly focus on evaluation of the integration of base-catalyzed depolymerization as a technology module in a biorefinery 1 BCD oil and BCD oligomers as products of lignin depolymerization. 2 Pilot-plant for base-catalyzed depolymerization of lignin. 3 BCD cleavage product solution. 32 Phone +49711970-9103 Phone +49711970-9101