85 Dr. Andreas Kühbacher Phone +49 711 970-4166 andreas.kuehbacher@ igb.fraunhofer.de Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Rupp Phone +49 711 970-4045 steffen.rupp@igb.fraunhofer.de Contactfor recognition of the pathogen. This receptor induces a signal cascade that finally stops the fungal invasion Immune receptors – signal transducers of the immune system These results underscore the role of immune receptors as important sensors and regulators of the immune system that help the body to decide when and how the body’s own defense mechanisms must be activated. In the framework of ImResFun, we are therefore also looking for immunomodula- tory substances for immune receptors. Screening systems developed by raunhofer I B were used to find immu- nomodulators that can support a non-sufficient immune re- sponse or control an exaggerated immune response. With this approach, the body’s own arsenal against pathogens can be involved more efficiently in therapeutic approaches and hence more rapid deactivation of infectious diseases and improved protection against infections can be achieved. Future prospects We will further expand these promising approaches for developing partial immunocompetent in vitro models in order to better understand the molecular mechanisms of the body’s own defenses in epithelial tissue and to develop new active substances for the treatment of infectious diseases based on this understanding. 1 Histological section of an in vitro skin model consisting of keratinocytes (upper layer), fibroblasts (middle layer) and T cells (lower layer). 2 Procedure during investigation of Candida infections using immunosupplemented skin models. 2 Literature [1] Burger-Kentischer, A. et al. (2011) A screening assay based on host-pathogen interaction models identifies a set of novel antifungal benzimidazole derivatives, Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 55 (10): 4789–4801. doi:10.1128/AAC.01657-10 [2] Dieterich, C. et al. (2002) In vitro reconstructed human epi- thelia reveal contributions of Candida albicans EFG1 and CPH1 to adhesion and invasion, Microbiology 148 (Pt 2): 497–506 [3] Burger-Kentischer, A. et al. (2010) A new cell-based innate immune receptor assay for the examination of receptor activity, ligand specificity, signalling pathways and the detection of py- rogens, Journal of immunological methods 358 (1–2): 93–103. doi:10.1016/j.jim.2010.03.020 Funding The “ImResFun” Marie Curie Initial Training Network has re- ceived funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demon- stration under grant agreement no MC-ITN-2013-606786. Further information and project partners www.imresfun.org skin model generation T-cell integration C. albicans infection incubation evaluation (histology, RNA-seq. etc.) Phone +49711970-4166 Phone +49711970-4045