105 Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Egner Phone +49 711 970-3643 siegfried.egner@igb.fraunhofer.de Contactdiffusion and evaporation, such that more accelerated curing is made possible. The substrate interface is the most critical zone in a portion of concrete requiring repair and this is usu- ally where problems occur in relation to adhesion. Thanks to the deep penetration of microwaves into the material, the repair substrate interface is also acted on effectively. Field trials with a prototype Field trials have been carried out on samples with a variety of volumes using microwave powers of varying intensities, based on which optimum process parameters were defined The results demonstrate the ability of the MCure system to outperform the current standard concrete curing techniques. Advantages of the MCure system The system can be used throughout the year, independent of climatic conditions, for rapid, durable and high quality repairs and refurbishments It makes more efficient use of resources, especially in harsh winter conditions, due to the robustness of the system and the effectiveness of the technology in all kinds of weather. This technology improves both the durability and strength of the repaired concrete. Furthermore, this novel cur- ing technique makes a contribution toward advancements in the fields of remote moisture sensing and concrete compres- sive strength. Outlook MCure was shown to enhance the quality of the concrete curing process in a demonstrator. A mobile and – through robotics fle ible system will now be developed ointly with industrial partners and will be tested in a follow-up project on a construction site. The system will then be licensed and made available on the market. 1 Bonding strength of MCure vs. normally cured repair at –5°C ambient temperature. 2 Overview of the MCure System. Literature [1] Vimmr, V. (2004) Future performance discussion on industry response to owners’ aspirations, CON REP NET Network Newslet- ter No.4 Funding The research project “MCure” has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 605664. Project partners Uvasol Ltd, Leicester, UK | Meta Automation Ltd, Piräus, Greece | Jörg Heizmann Bauunternehmung GmbH, Osterburken, Germany | E.R.S. GmbH, Osterburken, Germany | Utingal S.L., Pontevedra, pain heffield allam niversity, heffield, Further information www.mcure-fp7.eu 2 Phone +49711970-3643